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319 results found
Dominique CORLAY
Aquaculture expert especially in the organic aquaculture standards and to all natural farming practices.
Dr. Martin Kunz, Diversity Honeys Ltd.
Owner and CEO of Diversity Honeys Ltd., which imports honeys from ASIAN honeybees into Europe (despite the EU honey-regulation, which limits the use of the term 'honey' to 'honey' produced by Apis mellifera. Diversity Honeys Ltd. also sells certified organic ventilated bee suits, wax wraps from the wax of Apis dorsata, as well as seed trays etc. under its brand plastic free gardening; using Fairly Traded FSC certified natural rubber.

Dr. Richard Dietrich
Small scale farming with traditional orchards (old varieties of apples and pears), processing of fruit (cider, spirits), growing non-hybrid white flint maize (Riebelmais) for seeds, milling, ...

Austria Bio Garantie, bio.inspecta, CERES and other companies are united under the umbrella of the EASY-CERT group AG.
The companies provide sustainable and social inspection and certification services in their national markets and in over 50 countries worldwide. The offers include activities for all members of the supply chain (farmers, processors, packers, importers, exporters). Its business objectives are to improve the safety and credibility of organic products in the market. We offer s...

Eco-control LLC
We certify natural and organic cosmetics, as well as detergents and Nature Care Products all around the world according to NATRUE, NSF 305, NCS and NCPS Standards as well as ISO 22716 for Cosmetic GMP. We also certify the "certified sustainable economics" standard (CSE) for the sustainability of a whole operation.

Ecocert Deutschland GmbH
Highly experienced control body for organic products approved and authorized in Germany and South Tyrol. With our highly skilled experts located in all regions of Germany and our head office in Konstanz we offer inspection and certification services with regards to all areas of application of the EU organic regulation, the inspection services for more than 35 local producer and trade associations and a range of EU analog and private standard certification services.
IMO GmbH is a member of th...

Ecocert Iberica
The brand is AMBICERT seal of ECOCERT guarantee IBERIAN to develop the range of services inspection and control activities, and eco Ecoserveis accredited by the Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Environment and Housing of the Generalitat Catalonia.
ECOCERT IBERIAN has implemented a quality system based on the European standard UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17020:2012 and has a highly experienced technical team to provide a high quality service guaranteed.

Ecocert IMOswiss AG
Ecocert IMOswiss AG (IMO) is a leading provider for reliable inspection and certification services for organic, ecological and social standards. The company was founded in Switzerland and has been active in organic certification for over 30 years. As part of the ECOCERT Group, Ecocert IMOswiss AG benefits today from a large international network of 26 subsidiaries and operations in more than 130 countries. Leader in organic agriculture and organic cosmetics certification, ECOCERT is also reco...

ECOGEA Institute
The ECOGEA Institute focuses on activities related to the quality and innovation of natural and organic products. Two main areas are the certification of natural and organic products in accordance with internal and international standards and the second area is services related to the regulation of food, cosmetics, and related areas. Additional services also include verification of labeling claims and certification of various quality marks. The ECOGEA team consists of professionals from the E...
Ecoland e.V. - Verband für Ökologische Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft
Ecoland is an association of farmers and processors based in the south of Germany. The Ecoland Standard is used for operators in the Region Hohenlohe, but also for project work in third countries.

EcorNaturaSì SpA
EcorNaturaSì SpA is the leading company in the Italian organic sector.
It was born over 30 years ago and now it has over 300 points of sale throughout Italy and 300 connected organic and biodynamic farms. EcorNaturaSì is a benefit corporation, whose profit is also used as an instrument of common benefit, generating positive effects on environment, society and economy.
EcoS Consultancy
EcoS Consultancy provides research, technical and market development services for sustainable production and consumption, with a primary focus on organic food and farming, animal health and welfare, carbon, pesticide reduction policy and more.

ECOVIN Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau e.V.
Federal Association of organic viticulture in Germany

Eesti Biodunaamika Ühing
Mostly eldery people with the wish to share experiences and the will for organic and biodynamic production. Meetings, joint excursions to organic farmers in Estonia and outside. Sharing the ideas and experience of the biodynamic agricultural method. Every year making biodynamic preparations together. Developing a direct consumer circle with farmers.

EKOAGROS is the only institution in Lithuania carrying out certification and control activities of organic production. It also carries out inspections in accordance with the foreign national and private standards, the certification of organic production in foreign countries and provides services of other certification activities.
EKOAGROS is included into the list of EU control bodies to carry out certification services in the third countries.
EKOAGROS is accredited certifying agent to perf...

Ekologiska Lantbrukarna
Ekologiska Lantbrukarna (“Swedish Organic Farmers Association”) is Sweden’s national organic cooperation organization for Organic Production. We work for policies, regulations and a market that guarantee ease of organic production. We act as a unifying force for all producers, large and small. With in-depth knowledge of the sector’s politics and market, we help to influence the future by developing ideas for increased sustainability in agriculture and profitable organic companies. We have loc...

Elmar Still
In my main job I work as a tax advisor. Here I advise and support companies and private individuals in their tax obligations.
In my free time I dedicate myself to growing fruit.