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Members of IFOAM Organics Europe

177 results found

IFOAM EU Observer

"Gruppo Aboca" - ABOCA S.p.A. Socieà Agricola


Aboca is an Italian healthcare company that makes effective, safe and 100% natural products, based on scientific evidence and developed with a Systems Medicine approach.
With an integrated system that begins with 100% organic farming, scientific research and production, at Aboca everything is designed and conceived to obtain the natural molecular complexes from plants that are the basis of our products without the use of artificial substances.
Everything is connected and interdependent in t...

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Trial EU Member



Microbiological and chemical analysis laboratory and consultancy services on food, water

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a'verdis Roehl & Dr. Strassner GbR


We are an internationally operating consulting company. We work together with our clients to develop sustainable foodservice solutions for the catering, restaurant and foodservice sectors. We envision solutions that are attractive and economically sound on a health-promoting and ecologically sustainable basis. We are deeply committed to training and knowledge transfer whereby we seek to empower those with whom we work. We make sure all stakeholders are reached by engaging in professional publ...

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AEGILOPS’ purpose is to conserve heritage varieties and traditional agricultural knowledge and to restore landrace varieties into contemporary agricultural practice in ways that benefit the traditional farmers. AEGILOPS works in close collaboration with Greek Gene Bank and Universities to evaluate and select landraces which can thrive in variable organic environments. Research in the field has already revealed that greek heritage wheat varieties showed good agronomic adaptation under organic ...

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Agriwell s.r.o.

Czech Republic

Global exporter of top quality oilseeds, pulses, and grains for human consumption, oil extraction or animal feed. We specializes in organic agriculture. The core assortment consists of organic oilseeds as well as grains and pulses.

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AGROBIO - Associação Portuguesa de Agricultura Biológica


AGROBIO is a mixed farmers/ consumers association, founded in 1985 to promote the development of organic agriculture in Portugal. It develops work with consumers, growers, processors, retailors, municipalities, schools and policy makers. Its activities include: technical advising to organic farmers, training, environmental education, research, promoting local markets, organising events (national organic exhibition Terra Sã, seminars, etc.), and publishing.

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AIAB - Associazione Italiana per L'Agricoltura Biologica


The Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (AIAB) was initiated in 1982 and officially established in 1988. It unites several member types (farmers, processors, extension experts, researchers and consumers) in all Italian Regions. AIAB promotes organic farming as a model for rural development through member tutorship, policy orientation at Regional, national and EU level, education, publishing, promotion, extension and research. It is organized by regional chapters (18) coordinated by a ...

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ALNATURA Produktions und Handels GmbH


ALNATURA GmbH is an organic distributor and retailer, situated in Germany.

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ARGE BIO is an independant association of visionary, creative and keen actors in the field of organic farming. The association envisions the future development of organic farming, defines conditions for organic foods with transparent additional value, points out undesirable developments, demands and fosters respective changes. ARGE BIO wants to make humans and organizations aware of the fascination of organic foods and create organic competencies at all levels.

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Asociación ECOVALIA


ECOVALIA Association is the professional Spanish umbrella organization for organic with more than 17,000 associated members working for the development and promotion of certified organic farming. Amongst its objectives are also the Protection of the environment and rural development. It is a pioneer, in Spain, for organic farming and its subsidiary Servicio de Certificación CAAE is currently a leader in certified organic activity in Europe and it is present in South America and other parts of...

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Inter-bio is gathering branch associations in the organic sector and agro-ecology (cereals, fruits, wine, dairies,vegetables,apiculture) with the aim to organize branch cooperation between producers, processors, traders and other stakeholders in order to promote their interests on national and international levels. Main members of the association are: Spiru Haret University, BIO TERRA and BIO DANUBIUS and others. We coordinate activities of organic clusters: BIO DANUBIUS, BIO CONCEPT VALEA P...

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We are the Italian association of processors and wholesalers of organic food and beverages, representing the Italian industry community at public & government level and within the organic movement.

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Association Ekovín

Czech Republic

Ekovin's goal is to promote modern technologies that are particularly environmentally friendly. The mastery of integrated production technology is the gateway to a successful transition to a purely organic system, as demonstrated by the ever increasing area of registered biowheat farms. Currently there are approx. 12,000 hectares of vineyards in integrated production, which represents approximately 63% of all vineyards in the Czech Republic, and with the growing interest in organic farming, t...

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Association Forum of Organic Agriculture Mieczyslaw Górny


Forum of Organic Agricuture named M. Górny is a non-profit NGO association of Polish scientists and other stakeholders connected closely to organic agriculture. We promote organic farming and form opinions on important matters related to organic agriculture in Poland. We try to bring together different persons/ groups active in the same field. We are very active in actions against GMO in Poland and try to influence politicians on this matter. We discuss the most important scientific needs of ...

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ATBio is a non-profit association. We deal exclusively with organic production within the meaning of Reg. (EU) 2018/848. Our members are freelancers who work as technical inspectors for organic inspection bodies or as company consultants. ATBio is involved in the professional development of these two categories of labor through training activities, and we contribute to the definition of national standardization by participating in the organic table of the Ministry of Agriculture and dialoguin...

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ASSOCERTBIO is the italian association of organic farming control bodies. The Association was estabilished in 2017 and currently its membership is made by twelve Control Bodies. 95% of organic farming operators in Italy are certified by the Control Bodies which are members of the Association.

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Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelherstellerinnen und -hersteller e.V.


AöL is a platform for companies processing organic foods. The 110 members of the AöL from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands represent the market with an organic market sales of about 4 billion euro. It provides several platforms for its members to exchange information on topics like sustainability, raw material procurement, legal issues and directives and market/consumer topics. Additionally, AöL collaborates with other European processors' associations to enhance Euro...

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Atriplex GmbH


Atriplex GmbH supplies organically certified food commodities and semi-finished goods to grocery producers throughout Europe and overseas, in the following product groups: fruit products, cereal/grain products, herbs, spices, dairy products, extracts, oils, and vegetables. We are specialists for the delivery of innovative and high-quality raw materials and semi-finished goods for a wide range of applications and have extensive experience in the marketing and technical applications of grocery ...

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Authent GmbH


Consultant in quality assurance programs. Authent supports control bodies, private standard owners, individual operators, accreditation bodies in improving their production, control/certification and surveillance systems in relation to organic production.

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Avalon Foundation


We support rural communities in forming a more sustainable society. With our projects we empower local farmers and their organisations with new knowledge and techniques about organic agriculture and agri-environment. We achieve our aims by: 1. Developing agro-environmental policy programmes; 2. Advising on organic production, market & chain development; 3. Setting up demonstration farms; 4. Training local trainers; 5. Publishing guides and other communication materials. We strongly believe in...

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Balkan Biocert Ltd.


First national organic certification body. Offers inspection and certification services according to EU standards. NOP, JAS and private label certifications are possible together with world acknowledged certifiers like Ecocert, ICEA, etc. Since 2005, Balkan Biocert Ltd. also covers the Republic of Northern Macedonia through its subsidiary Balkan Biocert Macedonia DOOEL Skopje.

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Bingenheimer Saatgut AG


Bingenheimer Saatgut is a seed company which offers exclusively organic seeds for vegetables, herbs, flowers as well as green manure. All varieties are open pollinated with an increasing number developed biodynamically or in organic breeding. BSAG is part of a network of seed producers and breeders.

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Bio Austria


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IFOAM EU Observer

Bio Benjamin OOD


We are the Benjamin family – Krassimir, Martin and Sarah. We got inspired by the best chocolates in the world. We took the challenge to create unique chocolate flavors from the finest cacao beans and superfoods, while helping you add some healthy nutrients to your daily diet.

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