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Explore our Affiliates from Germany
81 results found
a'verdis Roehl & Dr. Strassner GbR
We are an internationally operating consulting company. We work together with our clients to develop sustainable foodservice solutions for the catering, restaurant and foodservice sectors. We envision solutions that are attractive and economically sound on a health-promoting and ecologically sustainable basis. We are deeply committed to training and knowledge transfer whereby we seek to empower those with whom we work. We make sure all stakeholders are reached by engaging in professional publ...

AGRECOL - Association for AgriCulture and Ecology
Agrecol is a German non-profit organisation that supports organic and sustainable agriculture in developing countries for more than 25 years. Most of the 60 members of the association are professionals in agriculture and rural development. AGRECOL focuses on generating new knowledge and extending new concepts to an interested public. In doing so, it has conducted various international conferences and workshops. And, as a network of professionals it conducts regular events to important aspects...

ALNATURA Produktions und Handels GmbH
ALNATURA GmbH is an organic distributor and retailer, situated in Germany.

Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelherstellerinnen und -hersteller e.V.
AöL is a platform for companies processing organic foods. The 110 members of the AöL from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands represent the market with an organic market sales of about 4 billion euro. It provides several platforms for its members to exchange information on topics like sustainability, raw material procurement, legal issues and directives and market/consumer topics. Additionally, AöL collaborates with other European processors' associations to enhance Euro...

Atriplex GmbH
Atriplex GmbH supplies organically certified food commodities and semi-finished goods to grocery producers throughout Europe and overseas, in the following product groups: fruit products, cereal/grain products, herbs, spices, dairy products, extracts, oils, and vegetables. We are specialists for the delivery of innovative and high-quality raw materials and semi-finished goods for a wide range of applications and have extensive experience in the marketing and technical applications of grocery ...

Authent GmbH
Consultant in quality assurance programs. Authent supports control bodies, private standard owners, individual operators, accreditation bodies in improving their production, control/certification and surveillance systems in relation to organic production.
Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
Bingenheimer Saatgut is a seed company which offers exclusively organic seeds for vegetables, herbs, flowers as well as green manure. All varieties are open pollinated with an increasing number developed biodynamically or in organic breeding. BSAG is part of a network of seed producers and breeders.

Bio Verlag GmbH
Since 1980, the publisher bio verlag engages actively in sustainability, environmental protection, organic farming, healthy living and fair trade. Their media and services aim to sustainably contribute to the development of the organic sector by connecting the market players and enabling consumers to make conscious purchasing decisions.
The customer magazine Schrot&Korn covers topics from organic farming, consumer and environmental protection to sustainable consumption. The monthly 850,000 ...

Biodynamic Federation – Demeter International e.V.
The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International e.V. is the only organic association that has built up a network of individual certification for biodynamic farming worldwide. The Federation supports the registration and protection of the Demeter trademark, produces production, processing and labelling standards, and the development of biodynamic agriculture through out the world. It is a member based organisation with 48 organisations in 36 different countries across the world.

BIOFACH - World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food - NürnbergMesse GmbH
NürnbergMesse has proven expertise in the field of organic food. The international organic sector gathers in Nuremberg every year in February at BIOFACH, the world’s leading fair for organic food products. The comprehensive range of certified organic products on display reflects their diversity and includes fresh products like dairy and cheese, fruit and vegetables, dry goods like grains and pulses, nuts and confectionery, beverages, and natural cosmetics. The international patron of BIOFACH ...

Biokreis e.V.
Biokreis e.V. - Verband für ökologischen Landbau und gesunde Ernährung (association for organic farming and healthy food) is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1979 by considerate consumers in Bavaria. Today, it conducts certification, consultation and political representation for nearly 2,000 organic farmers, growers, processors, retailers and traders.
Biokreis is made up of five strong regions covering the complete country, which facilitate the development and the reinstitution of re...

Bioland e.V.
Bioland is a farmers' organization. Its main activities include: Standard setting, certification, advisory services, education and editing of books.

Bluesensus- sustainability & seafood consulting
bluesensus- sustainability & seafood consulting is specialized in organic and sustainable seafood business (aquaculture and fisheries). The company founder, Udo Censkowsky, has been working for more than 25 years in the organic food business. He is one of the pioneers in organic aquaculture and organizes the BioFish Forum since 2004 in Nuremberg. He works within a network of professionals in seafood and sustainability.

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.
BÖLW is the German Association of Organic Farmers, Processors and Retailers

Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
Association for organic processors, wholesale and retail (food processing and trading, pesticide monitoring of organic fruit and vegetables, monitoring of shelf stable food)

Carsten Tiede
Master gardener
Horticulture teacher (retired) 1988-2011
Active participation:
Senior Experte, SES Senior Experten Service, Bonn, Germany since 2011
Plant Breeding Assistant, Keyserlingk-Institute, Salem, Germany
Biodynamic Adviser, Section for Agriculture,Goetheanum, Dornach,Switzerland
Board Secretary, Paul Schatz Gesellschaft e.V., Stuttgart,Germany
IFOAM Seeds Platform
Eco-PB Frankfurt a.M. , Germany
Hortus officinarum e.V., Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Kultursaat e.V.,...
COLABORA-let´s work together
COLABORA works on environmental issues and sustainability in all its facets with a focus on organic agri- and food culture. The main working fields are communications, jouralism, events, project management and documentary films.

Demeter e.V.
Demeter stands for products that originate from Biodynamic agriculture. This, the oldest branch of organic farming, goes back to an impulse from Rudolf Steiner who at the beginning of the 20th century founded it along with the Waldorf education system and anthroposophical medicine.

Dennree GmbH
The Dennree Group is an organic business family based in Germany. Founded in 1974 the Dennree group is one of the main drivers of the organic movement in Central Europe.