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3 results found
Inter-bio is gathering branch associations in the organic sector and agro-ecology (cereals, fruits, wine, dairies,vegetables,apiculture) with the aim to organize branch cooperation between producers, processors, traders and other stakeholders in order to promote their interests on national and international levels. Main members of the association are: Spiru Haret University, BIO TERRA and BIO DANUBIUS and others. We coordinate activities of organic clusters: BIO DANUBIUS, BIO CONCEPT VALEA P...

Bio Romania Association
The Bio – Romania Association is a Romanian non-profit, non governmental, apolitical and independent legal entity. The association was formed in September 2008 by merging 18 founding members: associates, cooperatives, companies, manufacturers, exporters, academics and personalities from the field of organic agriculture. The Association advocates for sustainable development of agriculture and rural space, education, information and consumer awareness of the benefits of organic farming for both...