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Explore our Affiliates from Bulgaria

5 results found


Balkan Biocert Ltd.


First national organic certification body. Offers inspection and certification services according to EU standards. NOP, JAS and private label certifications are possible together with world acknowledged certifiers like Ecocert, ICEA, etc. Since 2005, Balkan Biocert Ltd. also covers the Republic of Northern Macedonia through its subsidiary Balkan Biocert Macedonia DOOEL Skopje.

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IFOAM EU Observer

Bio Benjamin OOD


We are the Benjamin family – Krassimir, Martin and Sarah. We got inspired by the best chocolates in the world. We took the challenge to create unique chocolate flavors from the finest cacao beans and superfoods, while helping you add some healthy nutrients to your daily diet.

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Organic Farming Department, Institute of Regional Research, University of Agribusiness and Regional Development


The University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (former Higher School 'Agricultural College') is well experienced in international project preparation, management and implementation. It embraces successful activities in sustainable, environmental, and economic development, training, consulting, networking and quality assurance in organic agriculture, transfer of innovations, etc. It provides Bachelor and Master degree study programs in agribusiness, rural development, tourism, management...

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Rainer Adam


Description not available

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Фондация за биологично земеделие БИОСЕЛЕНА


Professional training and advice for farmers and processors; publication of books and brochures on various organic topics; transfer of leading European knowhow and development of new organic products for Bulgarian market; lobbing for organic farming; promotion of organic farming and organic products; international cooperation projects (development and execution).

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