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Explore our Affiliates from Poland

7 results found


Fundacja Wspierania Cyfryzacji Wsi 2023


Commercial and digital education of farmers is our way to improve the quality of the agricultural market. Our priority goal is to reach farms from all over the world and provide them with access to specialized knowledge and modern tools that are necessary to run farms effectively and profitably, especially regenerative and ecological ones. We are deeply convinced that the future of agriculture is in the hands of those who are educated, aware and ready to implement innovations. For this reason...

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Association Forum of Organic Agriculture Mieczyslaw Górny


Forum of Organic Agricuture named M. Górny is a non-profit NGO association of Polish scientists and other stakeholders connected closely to organic agriculture. We promote organic farming and form opinions on important matters related to organic agriculture in Poland. We try to bring together different persons/ groups active in the same field. We are very active in actions against GMO in Poland and try to influence politicians on this matter. We discuss the most important scientific needs of ...

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Bio-Concept-Gardenia Sp. z o.o.


Bio-Concept GArdenia is one of the biggest organic companies in Poland. The company was established in Kańczuga (south-east part of Poland). Bio-Concept's Policy is to acquire and maintain a leading market position through profitable growth in the production of our products, recognized and acknowledged by the clients and consumers as being of the best quality.

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We are a certification body in organic agriculture, offering certification on the basis of the EU regulation 834/2007 and the inspection for private standards in cooperation with international certification bodies: Demeter International, IMO, Soil Association and Naturland.

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Polska Izba Zywnosci Ekologicznej


Group of organic food business operators from Poland. It has over 100 members (farmers, producers, shops, distributors of organic food)

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Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno-Kulturalne ZIARNO


ZIARNO Ecological-Cultural Association has been working in rural areas of Mazovia since 1995. Its main mission is education for sustainability addressed to different target groups. Every year ZIARNO organises an international seminar: "Good Harvest - cooperation in organic farming". Around 3000 people, mainly students of various schools visit the center for workshops on organic farming and rural life. From 2014 ZIARNO has started a Folkhighschool with a main topic: organic agriculture. We run...

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Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie


The Chair of Organic Foodstuffs is a didactic and scientific unit in Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The main interest is in organic agriculture and food quality. We conduct studies on the quality of organic food and its impact on human and animal health. We are also interested in the development of organic farming in Poland and in Europe, and we are conducting several implementation projects in this area. We also disseminate knowledge of organic food and farming among Polish consumers.

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