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Explore our Affiliates from Sweden
7 results found
Ekologiska Lantbrukarna
Ekologiska Lantbrukarna (“Swedish Organic Farmers Association”) is Sweden’s national organic cooperation organization for Organic Production. We work for policies, regulations and a market that guarantee ease of organic production. We act as a unifying force for all producers, large and small. With in-depth knowledge of the sector’s politics and market, we help to influence the future by developing ideas for increased sustainability in agriculture and profitable organic companies. We have loc...

Ideella föreningen Ekocentrum Informationscentrum för Ekologiska Produkter, Ekomatcentrum
Ekomatcentrum – Pioneering Sustainable and Organic Food Services
Founded in 1997 by Eva Fröman and Carin Enfors, Ekomatcentrum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable and organic food practices within Sweden’s public sector. We drive innovation, support local organic producers, and foster a self-sufficient food culture through partnerships and initiatives like Ekomatsligan, which benchmarks and celebrates progress in organic food procurement. Our events, education pr...
KRAV Ekonomisk Förening
KRAV is organised as an incorporated association with, at present, 22 members. They represent farmers, processors, trade and also consumer, environmental and animal welfare interests. Around 3,000 farmers and approximately 600 companies in processing and trade are associated to KRAV. At present there are more than 8,000 KRAV-certified products. Five certification bodies carry out inspections according to KRAV standards. We develop standards for organic and sustainable food production and proc...

Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund
I work with policy questions concerning organic agricultural production in Sweden.

Organic Sweden
Organic Sweden is an association of companies, organizations, farmers, chefs, scientists, foodies, and anyone else who wants to work together for organic.

SLU Centre for Organic Food and Farming (Epok)
Epok is the Centre for Organic Food and Farming at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Sweden. We work with dissemination of knowledge and coordination of research and education in the areas of organic food and farming from a national as well as an international perspective. The centre is a meeting place for researchers, advisors, farmers, decision-makers, industry, sector organizations and students and a hub for dissemination of knowledge.