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Explore our Affiliates from Switzerland
21 results found
Bio-Stiftung Schweiz
Bridge-Building. Accountability. Sustainability The Bio-Foundation Switzerland is a non-profit organization for the promotion of environmentally-friendly products and alternative patterns of consumer behaviour. The fundament of the foundation’s work is the conviction that the basis for all sustainable development is innovation and the independent, responsible actions of each individual involved. The purpose of the foundation is to be achieved through initiatives of its own or by supporting ex...

Bio.Inspecta AG
bio.inspecta is Switzerland's leading provider of inspection and certification services for products produced in accordance with the principles of environmental and social sustainability and animal welfare. bio.inspecta improves the safety and credibility of organic products and builds trustworthiness for them on the market. It has clients in many different countries such as Turkey, Albania, Egypt, Burkina Faso, to name only a few, and operates with organic farming operations as well as proce...

Biofarm Genossenschaft
Biofarm promotes organic farming in Switzerland, contractsorganic cultures with farmers snd trades organic food under the 'Biofarm' label. - Swiss platform for organic processing and trading firms is a platform open to all firms and organizations interested in organic processing, trade and gastronomy. There are a variety of specific services exclusively for members beyond the 2 weekly newsletter.

Bio Suisse is a private-sector organization and the association of Swiss organic agricultural organizations. This umbrella organization counts 33 regional and national member organisations, with more than 7500 individual organic farms and processors among its members, as well as the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL. We develop common and uniform standards for agriculture and processing, as basis to use the protected trademark 'Bud' (German: Knospe). Organic produce carrying the...

Austria Bio Garantie, bio.inspecta, CERES and other companies are united under the umbrella of the EASY-CERT group AG.
The companies provide sustainable and social inspection and certification services in their national markets and in over 50 countries worldwide. The offers include activities for all members of the supply chain (farmers, processors, packers, importers, exporters). Its business objectives are to improve the safety and credibility of organic products in the market. We offer s...

Ecocert IMOswiss AG
Ecocert IMOswiss AG (IMO) is a leading provider for reliable inspection and certification services for organic, ecological and social standards. The company was founded in Switzerland and has been active in organic certification for over 30 years. As part of the ECOCERT Group, Ecocert IMOswiss AG benefits today from a large international network of 26 subsidiaries and operations in more than 130 countries. Leader in organic agriculture and organic cosmetics certification, ECOCERT is also reco...

Europäisches Konsortium für ökologische Pflanzenzucht e. V.
The European Consortium for Organic plant breeding (ECO-PB), founded 20th April 2001 in Driebergen (NL), aims to provide a platform for: discussion and exchange of knowledge and experiences; initiation, support of organic plant breeding programmes; the development of scientific concepts of an organic plant breeding; the provision of independent, competent expertise to develop standard setting with respect to organic plant breeding. ECO-PB commits itself to the principles of organic agricultur...

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Schweiz
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture. Its locations are situated in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and a representation in Brussels (Belgium) through FiBL Europe. FiBL’s strengths lie in its interdisciplinary research, innovations developed jointly with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research into practice.

General Anthroposophical Society, Section for Agriculture
The Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum is one of eleven Sections of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach/Switzerland. Its main tasks are to coordinate and give new impulses to the biodynamic movement worldwide. We organize courses, seminars, working groups, conferences, lecture tours and publications for people who seek to deepen their knowledge of agriculture out of anthroposophical spiritual science.. We carry out research and development projects. A key concern...

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Our activities include consultancy services to sustainable production and trade; sustainable agriculture and value chain facilitation in development cooperation projects.

Interessengemeinschaft BIO Schweiz
IG Bio represents Swiss Organic Food Business Operators in the logistics, retail and manufacturing sector.

Iporex Ltd. is a private company with its headquarters in Burgdorf, Switzerland. It was founded in 1990 and is active in the commerce and services sector.
In the year 2000, a CD of organic producers was made using internal databases. In the following years, this information was freely accessible on the internet, , completed with new data and a targeted emailing system.
The aim of our directory is to bring the producers and buyers closer together in order to contribut...

The Migros Group is a diversified and vertically integrated group of companies whose core business is retail. With its consumer and service products, it covers the everyday needs of all sections of society.
The Group is divided into five strategic business units:
Cooperative Retailing represents the core business. It consists of the activities of the ten regional Migros Cooperatives. These operate the super/hypermarkets under the Migros brand.
The strategic segment Commerce includes...

Penergetic International AG
Die Penergetic International AG produziert biologische Produkte, die die Landwirtschaft nachhaltig und effizient unterstützen. Die Produkte verbessern die Bodenproduktivität sowie die Viehzucht ohne schädliche Auswirkungen auf Klima, Boden, Wasser, Artenvielfalt und Umwelt. Das Schweizer Familienunternehmen entwickelt nachhaltige und intelligente Ansätze für die Landwirtschaft. Die Produktpalette von Penergetic umfasst funktionelle Futtermittelzutaten, Pflanzenstimulanzien, Boden- und Kompost...

Schweizerische Bioberater/innen Vereinigung
We are a platform for knowledge exchange between organic advisors in Switzerland. We do not carry out activities on our own account. We organize study trips and meetings together with other organisations such as AGRIDEA or FiBL.
