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Explore our Affiliates from Slovenia
3 results found
ECOGEA Institute
The ECOGEA Institute focuses on activities related to the quality and innovation of natural and organic products. Two main areas are the certification of natural and organic products in accordance with internal and international standards and the second area is services related to the regulation of food, cosmetics, and related areas. Additional services also include verification of labeling claims and certification of various quality marks. The ECOGEA team consists of professionals from the E...
Inštitut za kontrolo in certifikacijo v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu Maribor (KON-CERT)
Description not available

Zveza društev ekoloških kmetov Slovenije
ZDEKS was founded in 2017. Our purpose is to represent Slovene organic farmers best interests. In the years prior to our establishment Slovene organic farmers had no representative in talks with policy makers and we are successfully changing that.
We advocate cooperation in the field of organic farming and with other related organisations, we strive for growth of the organic sector in Slovenia and promote organic food in general.