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Agricultural Technology Transfer Society


We use effective microorganism (EM) technology to carry out various agricultural activities such as cultivation of tomatoes, watermelons and sunflowers in rural areas surrounding Khartoum, and planting of sorghum and groundnut in rain-fed, mechanized farming in central Sudan. Our NGO actively promotes organic agriculture among farmers' organizations and recruits graduate students to help mobilize farmers. we are now applying biogas bio-products in women garden in rural areas, about 50 househ...

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ARGE BIO is an independant association of visionary, creative and keen actors in the field of organic farming. The association envisions the future development of organic farming, defines conditions for organic foods with transparent additional value, points out undesirable developments, demands and fosters respective changes. ARGE BIO wants to make humans and organizations aware of the fascination of organic foods and create organic competencies at all levels.

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Association Forum of Organic Agriculture Mieczyslaw Górny


Forum of Organic Agricuture named M. Górny is a non-profit NGO association of Polish scientists and other stakeholders connected closely to organic agriculture. We promote organic farming and form opinions on important matters related to organic agriculture in Poland. We try to bring together different persons/ groups active in the same field. We are very active in actions against GMO in Poland and try to influence politicians on this matter. We discuss the most important scientific needs of ...

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Bio Romania Association


The Bio – Romania Association is a Romanian non-profit, non governmental, apolitical and independent legal entity. The association was formed in September 2008 by merging 18 founding members: associates, cooperatives, companies, manufacturers, exporters, academics and personalities from the field of organic agriculture. The Association advocates for sustainable development of agriculture and rural space, education, information and consumer awareness of the benefits of organic farming for both...

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We are a ervice provider founded in 2007. Our services include training/consultancy, ICS and facilitation of external certification and marketing. BioService is active in promoting organic farming in Kyrgyzstan. It is also active in Central Asian countries in partnership with organic projects.

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Biovision Africa Trust


Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) www.biovisionafricatrust.org is a not-for-profit organisation established in Kenya in 2009 by the Biovision Foundation for ecological development of Switzerland. The Trust’s goal is to alleviate poverty, and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya, and other African countries through supporting the dissemination of information and knowledge on appropriate technologies and practices in sustainable agriculture to improve human, animal, plant, and en...

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Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği


Buğday ecological grassroots movement started in the 1990s and evolved into an association in 2002. Buğday’s mission is to create ecological living conscience and awareness in the society both on the individual basis and as a whole; to offer solutions to the problems arising due to the irreversible destruction of the ecological systems; and to support living in harmony with nature.

Buğday Association:
- Shares knowledge and experience on ecological living.
- Values traditional knowledge...

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The COSMOS-standard AISBL is an international non-profit association registered in Belgium. Its objects are to promote, support, coordinate and facilitate the activities and the success of its members especially but not exclusively by owning and developing the COSMOS-standard as an international and internationally recognised Standard for organic and natural cosmetics.

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Ekolojik Tarim Organizasyonu Dernegi


Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu (ETO) is a non-profit organization established in 1992 to promote sound and fast development of organic agriculture (OA) in Turkey. Based upon the gap analysis, ETO focused on capacity building activities. Between 1996 and 2005, ETO trained over 2000 agricultural engineers as trainers mostly among staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF). Some of the participants were elected among young and unemployed agronomists, as well. This group of tr...

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Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V.


Fairtrade is an internationally recognised, multi-stakeholder, non-profit organization, focusing on the empowerment of people in developing countries through trade. Fairtrade's mission is to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives. Fairtrade International provides the leadership, tools and services to inspire and empower more people to achieve Fair...

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Federation of WWOOF Organisations

United Kingdom

WWOOF® (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) links visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.

The founding idea of WWOOF is to facilitate exchanges around sustainable living and organic agriculture in pursuit of living in harmony with nature. WWOOF provides a way for people to learn about organic food, farming, and culture. In doing so it brings together people who share similar ...

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Foreningen for Biodynamisk Jordbrug


Biodynamic association founded in 1936. Supply members and others with information about the biodynamic method through booklets, videos, projekcts, courses and exibitions. Publishs books about biodynamics and members magazine 'Biodynamisk Jordbrug'. Refers to biodynamic advisory. Member of IBDA (International Biodynamic Association) and BFDI (Biodynamic Federation Demeter Intrenational). Responsible for the Demeter-standards in Denmark.

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The Andes AGRECOL Foundation is a private nonprofit institution, founded as AGRECOL eV Langenbruck 1983, Switzerland and incorporated as Foundation 2001 in Cochabama, Bolivia. Its mission: "To promote sustainable agricultural development through the management of knowledge, political advocacy and strengthening local initiatives in partnership with rural and urban actors'. Its corporate vision is that 'the families of peasant and indigenous communities have reached ecological sustainability, s...

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Good Market

Sri Lanka

Good Market is a social enterprise that is supporting the transition to a new economy that is "good for people and good for the planet." It is a curated platform, which means all participating producers and service providers go through an application and review process to ensure they meet minimum sector standards. The minimum standard for farm products is organic. Good Market organizes weekly market events in Sri Lanka, organic and natural food outlets that are open 7 days a week, an organ...

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IN.N.E.R. - International Network of Eco Regions


I.N.N.E.R. is the International Umbrella Organisation of the Organic-Districts/Eco-Regions: Territories naturally devoted to organic, where farmers, citizens, public authorities, realize an agreement aimed at the sustainable management of local resources, based on the principles of organic farming and agro-ecology. I.N.N.E.R. gives assistance to stakeholders or organic and agro-ecology sector and provides services to build shared strategy of Organic-Districts development; it offers training, ...

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Trial EU Member

Information Center ''Green Dossier''


Information Center "Green Dossier" is an environmental NGO established in 1994.
“Green Dossier” promotes principles of sustainable development and their integration into national policies and government programs by disseminating objective environmental and social information to mass media, local communities, government and business, involving them to practical action.
Promotion of the sustainable production and consumption, and sustainable agriculture including organic are in our core acti...

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Instituto do Bem-Estar - IBEM


The Welfare Institute is an NGO formed by a multidisciplinary group of people. It aims to promote quality of life for humans, animals and the planet, through actions related to ecology, sustainability and social justice. It has partnerships with schools, universities, NGOs and government organizations. It develops actions related to environment education, for the development of organic production (mainly in the animal area) and through art therapy for people in physical and mental fragility.

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Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association


IBOAA has represented the organic sector and movement in Israel since the early 1980's. IBOAA has been the driving force behind organic farmers and has developed the sector in Israel including the establishment of Israeli organic standards.
Today we develop Know-how for growers and processors, advocate for the organic sector and collaborate with government ministries.

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Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement Limited


JOAM was formed in 2001 with the mission to facilitate the development of a sustainable and economically viable organic agriculture sector in Jamaica. We are a non-governmental organisation run by volunteers. Since its inception, JOAM has run a number of training programmes for farmers. It has hosted three IOIA basic crop production inspector trainings and has a cadre of inspectors. JOAM operates through grant funding and memebrship payments. it provides training and suport to members of the ...

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Keystone Foundation


The Keystone Foundation works on issues of Natural Resources & Rural Development with Indigenous Communities in mountainous and adjoining regions, addressing the challenges of conservation,livelihoods and enterprise development through appropriate knowledge and action, technologies, socio-economic innovations and institutions.

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Landwirtschaft & Oekologisches Gleichgewicht mit Osteuropa


LOGO e.V. offers internships and seminars in Germany for young agrarian specialists from Eastern Europe, the Caucasian States and Central Asia. LOGO organizes conferences and carries out projects in organic agriculture.

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Malta Organic Agriculture Movement


MOAM aims to be a dynamic movement in safeguarding the well-being of the rural development by sustainable farming methods. Moreover, the NGO acts as a pressure group to promote organic production, protects and forbids cruelty to animals, opposes GMOs and, in coordination with other environmental bodies and NGOs, works towards quality environment enrichment. Malta Organic Agriculture Movement (MOAM) is a totally independent and voluntary organisation set up in November 1999 to promote Organic ...

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MASIPAG - Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development)


MASIPAG is a farmer-led network of people's organizations, non-government organizations and scientists working towards farmers' empowerment through farmers' control and sustainable use of genetic and biological resources, agricultural production and associated knowledge.

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