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50 results found
Aditi Organic Certifications Pvt. Ltd.
We carry out inspections and certifications as per NPOP/EU-834/2007, NOP, USDA, and COS/COR Standards. We also offer other certification programs like FairTSA, Bird Friendly Coffee, INDGAP, VCSMPP, and C.A.F.E. Practices

Amarben Patni
Precision Grow, we are pioneering a new era in agriculture, harnessing the power of cutting-edge satellite analytics and eCrop to revolutionize how we farm. Our commitment is to empower farmers with precision insights that drive efficiency, sustainability, and unprecedented crop management. Explore the future of agriculture with Precision Grow!
krishihal agroscience works in the field or organic farming. our organization produces organic inputs and bio fertilizers for promoting agriculture in country. we promote soil & water testing for farmer fertigation management.
Association of Indian Organic Association
The Association of Indian Organic Industry (AIOI) is a pioneering non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a robust and sustainable organic sector in India. With a steadfast commitment to policy advocacy, market development and knowledge dissemination, AIOI serves as a catalyst for industry growth and transformation. Through strategic collaborations with policymakers, industry stakeholders and consumers, the organization drives initiatives that enhance the production, processing and dis...
Association of organic farmers
An association of farmers across several states that believe in converting slowly and with such modifications as required keeping in view the regional conditions and developing a public policy plateform for discussion of issues related to farming, health, nutrition and environment

BHAVI GREENLAB a research driven company, engaged in to manufacturing organic inputs for agriculture under the brand name ‘KRUSHI BALAM’. Based at Gandhinagar - capital of Gujarat - state of India. Our mission is to offer safe, effective and economical solutions to farmers. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a healthy & fresh environment.
BGPL is a start up recognized by the government of India. Founded by retired banker & passionate environmentalist Mr.V.C.Vala, base...
BRJM, Bihar, Patna
We are working with 300 plus FPOs in the State of Bihar to promote organic farming among farmers.
Dharani Farming and Marketing Mutually Aided Cooperative Limited
Dharani FaM CooP Ltd., registered in March 2008, under MACS Act, is a federation of sanghas and a producer owned business enterprise, promoted by the Timbaktu Collective. It has been formed to help the farmers with the post-production processes and marketing. It procures, stores, processes and markets its members’ produce under brand name Timbaktu Organic.

EcoPro offers technical guidance and training in EM technology, i.e. the use of so-called 'Effective Microorganisms' (EM), a mixture of beneficial microbes as developed by Prof. Teruo Higa, Okinawa, Japan. The fields of application of EM technology are agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, solid waste management, sewage treatment, sanitation and hygiene, bio-remedation, and environmental rehabilitation. EcoPro is an authorized dealer of 'Maple EM. 1', the authentic EM developed by T. Hi...

Farmer Association For Rural Management (FARM)
As an Organisation FARM aim to develop & provide leadership in environmental care by participatory management of natural resources to improve the quality of life without compromising the upcoming generation.
Based in the resource poor western part of India, we believe that the process of rural development, environmental reconstruction & remediation can be only achieved by decisive participation of the rural community.

We, at GRINS NETWORK which includes our social sector startup GREENER RURAL INITIATIVES (P) LTD., firmly believe that sustainable development is possible in India only when rural and urban India grow together. It is our conviction that sustainable development can be best achieved by merging the social mission of a non profit with the market driven, profit maximizing approach of a business; by connecting natural produce and products to markets through community engagement. Based on this, we es...

Grow Well Organic and Eco Products Pvt. Ltd.
We at “Grow Well Organic and Eco Products Pvt Ltd”, want to cater the growing demand for organic food products across the globe and contribute towards sustainable agriculture movement. We want to develop best in class manufacturing and storage facility for organic food products to cater Indian and International market with best quality products. We want to encourage farmers to adopt organic farming practices and increase total land area under organic farming India.

Indian Society for Certification of Organic Products (ISCOP)
The Indian Society for Certification of Organic Products (ISCOP) is engaged in the inspection and certification of organic farms, organic products, organic inputs, organic processing, wild collections; training of inspectors, creating awareness about the importance of organic agriculture and safe and healthy production of foods among the farmers and general public.

INDOCERT is India's first indigenous certification body, operating nationally and internationally. INDOCERT was incorporated in October 2001 as a nonprofit membership organization by NGOs and farmer producer associations. The activities include organic certification according to INDOCERT Organic Standards equivalent to EU Regulations, NPOP, NOP standards. Other certification services include Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Trustea, 4C and UEBT. In the food safety realm, INDOCERT offers ISO 22000 F...

Our organisation is working from 2006 in Jalna Dist Maharashtra, INDIA in 100 villages in the field of Organic agriculture, SHG, farmers group, Training on Agriculture to the farmers, Health, HIV/AIDS and women development.
Basic objectives and thrust areas of the organization:-
The primary goal of the organization is to initiate and sustain rural development processes through the following objectives.
1. Swach Bharat Abhiyan program.
2. Organic Agriculture promotion program.
3. To u...

International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture
ICCOA is a knowledge and learning center promoting organic agriculture and agribusiness. It provides a platform for interaction to all stakeholders in the organic sector.

Keystone Foundation
The Keystone Foundation works on issues of Natural Resources & Rural Development with Indigenous Communities in mountainous and adjoining regions, addressing the challenges of conservation,livelihoods and enterprise development through appropriate knowledge and action, technologies, socio-economic innovations and institutions.

Krishnendu Chatterjee
We are the largest Demeter certified organic tea (Camellia sinensis) producer from India.