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10 results found


Aegean Exporters' Associations


Aegean Exporters' Association (EIB) was founded in 1939 in Izmir comprising 12 sectors in the fields of
- aqua and animal products;
- dried fruits;
- olive and olive oil;
- cereals;
- forestry and wooden products;
- fresh fruits and vegetables;
- tobacco;
- textiles and raw materials;
- apparel;
- leather and leather products;
- minerals;
- ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

With over 7.500 member companies. The annual exports realized by the members of all 12 Associations account...

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Arslantürk S.A.


Description not available

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Arzu Duran


Istafil Çiftliği is a biodynamic farm situated in Ihsaniye village/Catalca -Istanbul secluded at the corner of an oak tree forest and certified Demeter in conversion for 2 years.We are producing all sort of vegetables, herbs, fruits on our land and this year we started to produce our animals' food on 8 hektar area in conversion to organics.We have cows,sheep and chicken and have dairy products. Apart from this; we give biodynamic training courses for the people relating to biodynamic farming....

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Başak Ekolojik Ürunler Kontrol ve Sertifikasyon Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Sti.


Başak Ekolojik has been recognized by EU Commission in Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and in the United Arab Emirates under the scope of unprocessed organic plant products (A) and processed organic agricultural products (D) and listed in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2325 of 16 December 2021.

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Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği


Buğday ecological grassroots movement started in the 1990s and evolved into an association in 2002. Buğday’s mission is to create ecological living conscience and awareness in the society both on the individual basis and as a whole; to offer solutions to the problems arising due to the irreversible destruction of the ecological systems; and to support living in harmony with nature.

Buğday Association:
- Shares knowledge and experience on ecological living.
- Values traditional knowledge...

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CTR Uluslararasi Belgelendirme ve Denetim Ltd. Sti.


CTR is an organic control and certification body authorized by the EU Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey. CTR, which is the first inspection and certification body authorized for Good Agricultural Practices in Turkey, is also the first certification body accredited by TÜRKAK. At the same time, CTR is authorized for GlobalGAP control and certification. CTR offers its customers the rigorous and reliable certification service that the industry needs.

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Ekolojik Tarim Organizasyonu Dernegi


Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu (ETO) is a non-profit organization established in 1992 to promote sound and fast development of organic agriculture (OA) in Turkey. Based upon the gap analysis, ETO focused on capacity building activities. Between 1996 and 2005, ETO trained over 2000 agricultural engineers as trainers mostly among staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF). Some of the participants were elected among young and unemployed agronomists, as well. This group of tr...

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ETKO Ekolojik Tarim Kontrol Org Ltd Sti


ETKO is an international private organization performing certification activities for organic production methods since 1996. ETKO’s mission is to promote the proper designation of products that have been produced according to sustainable production methods by means of supervising, testing, inspecting, assessing and certifying. ETKO headquarter is in Turkey and local offices are in Ukraine, Romania, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China, providing services also in Qatar, Dubai, USA, Pakistan, China, ...

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Orser Kontrol Ve Sertifikasyon Ltd. Sti.


We are an organic control and certification company

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