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Members of IFOAM Organics Europe
177 results found
Bio Romania Association
The Bio – Romania Association is a Romanian non-profit, non governmental, apolitical and independent legal entity. The association was formed in September 2008 by merging 18 founding members: associates, cooperatives, companies, manufacturers, exporters, academics and personalities from the field of organic agriculture. The Association advocates for sustainable development of agriculture and rural space, education, information and consumer awareness of the benefits of organic farming for both...

Bio Verlag GmbH
Since 1980, the publisher bio verlag engages actively in sustainability, environmental protection, organic farming, healthy living and fair trade. Their media and services aim to sustainably contribute to the development of the organic sector by connecting the market players and enabling consumers to make conscious purchasing decisions.
The customer magazine Schrot&Korn covers topics from organic farming, consumer and environmental protection to sustainable consumption. The monthly 850,000 ...

Bio-Concept-Gardenia Sp. z o.o.
Bio-Concept GArdenia is one of the biggest organic companies in Poland. The company was established in Kańczuga (south-east part of Poland). Bio-Concept's Policy is to acquire and maintain a leading market position through profitable growth in the production of our products, recognized and acknowledged by the clients and consumers as being of the best quality.

Bioagricert s.r.l.
Bioagricert- Foodchain ID portfolio includes:
Organic products certifications: EU, JAS, NOP, BIOSUISSE, AB, NATURLAND.
Product Quality certifications: Geographical Indications, GLOBALG.A.P., BRC, DEMETER, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, bioagricert-eat (catering).
Non-food & Sustainability certifications: ProTerra, Organic and Natural Cosmetics, Textile, Fair Trade, Eco Energy.

IFOAM EU Observer
Biocoop SA Coopérative
Biocoop is a cooperative company whose membres are retail stores specialized in the distribution of organic products. 330 organics shop around in France.

Biodynamic Federation – Demeter International e.V.
The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International e.V. is the only organic association that has built up a network of individual certification for biodynamic farming worldwide. The Federation supports the registration and protection of the Demeter trademark, produces production, processing and labelling standards, and the development of biodynamic agriculture through out the world. It is a member based organisation with 48 organisations in 36 different countries across the world.

We are a certification body in organic agriculture, offering certification on the basis of the EU regulation 834/2007 and the inspection for private standards in cooperation with international certification bodies: Demeter International, IMO, Soil Association and Naturland.

BIOFACH - World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food - NürnbergMesse GmbH
NürnbergMesse has proven expertise in the field of organic food. The international organic sector gathers in Nuremberg every year in February at BIOFACH, the world’s leading fair for organic food products. The comprehensive range of certified organic products on display reflects their diversity and includes fresh products like dairy and cheese, fruit and vegetables, dry goods like grains and pulses, nuts and confectionery, beverages, and natural cosmetics. The international patron of BIOFACH ...

BioForum vzw
BioForum unites, represents and supports companies working in the organic agricultural and food sector in Flanders. BioForum also informs the consumer on the surplus value of organic agriculture and food.

Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft.
Organic control body HU-ÖKO-01 operating in Hungary in line with EU organic regulations.

Biokreis e.V.
Biokreis e.V. - Verband für ökologischen Landbau und gesunde Ernährung (association for organic farming and healthy food) is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1979 by considerate consumers in Bavaria. Today, it conducts certification, consultation and political representation for nearly 2,000 organic farmers, growers, processors, retailers and traders.
Biokreis is made up of five strong regions covering the complete country, which facilitate the development and the reinstitution of re...

Bioland e.V.
Bioland is a farmers' organization. Its main activities include: Standard setting, certification, advisory services, education and editing of books.

VBP is the Dutch assosiastion for wholesalers and producers in the Netherlands. VBP is one of the stakeholders of Bionext, the chain orgrnisation for the organic sector in the Netherlands.

Bios s.r.l.
Bios S.r.l. has been operating since 1999 in Italy and since 2004 in Romania certifying according to EC Reg. 834/2007 and USDA NOP

Bio Suisse is a private-sector organization and the association of Swiss organic agricultural organizations. This umbrella organization counts 33 regional and national member organisations, with more than 7500 individual organic farms and processors among its members, as well as the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL. We develop common and uniform standards for agriculture and processing, as basis to use the protected trademark 'Bud' (German: Knospe). Organic produce carrying the...

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.
BÖLW is the German Association of Organic Farmers, Processors and Retailers

Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
Association for organic processors, wholesale and retail (food processing and trading, pesticide monitoring of organic fruit and vegetables, monitoring of shelf stable food)

We provide inspection and certification services for organic and eco friendly production systems.

CertifyBio Ltd
CERTIFYBIO LTD was founded in Nicosia in 2018. The primary and core activity of the Organization is the certification of organic farming products.
The company is staffed with young scientists, excellent connoisseurs of the subject, who carry out the certification of organic products in accordance with the European and Cypriot legislation. CERTIFYBIO stands out for the quality of its services as well as the consistency and professionalism that is displays to each customer individually ...
CERTIPLANET - Certificação da Agricultura, Florestas e Pescas, Lda. is involved in the inspection and certification of all kind of organic products, catering, salt products and other environmentally friendly products. It is accredited by IPAC (ISO 17065) and recognized by the Portuguese authorities (Continent, Madeira and Azores Islands). Associated member of CERTIBIONET, ASBL (International Association of Certification Organizations of Organic Farming) since 2003.

CERTISYS is the Benelux subsidiary of the Ecocert Group, the world leader in organic food and cosmetics certification. We are the pioneers and experts in organic certification in Belgium (BE-BIO-01), active in this field for more than 30 years. Also active in Luxemburg (LU-BIO-06) and internationally recognized in 13 countries in Central and West Africa. We have now extended our efforts to many other sectors than organic farming, offering ethical and sustainable certifications that guarantee...

Česká Technologická Platforma pro Ekologické Zemědělství
The Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) was founded with the aim of uniting and linking a wide range of people and companies active in the field of organic farming and organic food production. The platform was founded in accordance with the European initiative of TP Organics. The CTPOA incorporates research institutes, universities, business representatives in the Czech Republic, both primary producers and processors of organic produce. All members have bound themselves ...

CNJAP - Confederação Nacional dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal
The National Confederation of Young Farmers of Portugal was created in 2000, representing 80% of the associations and Federations of Young Farmers of Mainland Portugal and the Azores
The CNJ's Mission is to represent and defend the interests of Young Farmers, as well as the organizations that represent them, directly or indirectly, with national and international, public or private entities, with a view to PROMOTING, FACILITATING and VALUING.
Its objectives include Promoting the develop...