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Explore our Affiliates from Europe
305 results found
Elmar Still
In my main job I work as a tax advisor. Here I advise and support companies and private individuals in their tax obligations.
In my free time I dedicate myself to growing fruit.
We support and promote sustainable & natural farming, producing more yield, bigger and more nutritious better-tasting crops! We process and produce 100% natural mineral foliar fertilizer without chemical intervention that is harmful to our planet.
Envirolizer is a natural mineral plant growth enhancer and adaptogen. It contains finely micronized and augmented natural calcite and effectively supplies calcium and silicon to plants; increases photosynthetic activity followed by better CO2 ut...
Erde & Saat
The organic association Erde & Saat has stood for fertile soil, seed care and animal welfare since 1987. After all, healthy plants and animals in their natural order are the true basis of life for us humans.
A basic principle of our daily work is mutual support, communication and solidarity between our farms. This attitude offers the opportunity to exchange experiences, develop and impart knowledge and thus find practical solutions.
We aspire to allow the holistic natural principle of l...
Estonian Organic Farming Foundation
Estonian Organic Farming Foundation (EOFF) is a non-governmental, non-profit foundation, whose activities focus on development of the Estonian organic sector. EOFF is mostly engaged in knowledge transfer, networking and promotional activities, and also works on policy and regulatory issues.
Etelä-Suomen Viljelijäyhdistys - ESVY ry
Southern Finland Organic Farmers Association - ESVY ry represents organic farms and farmers but represents also the whole value chain from greater Helsinki and Southern Finland area consumers as its supporting members.
Europäisches Bioobst Forum e.V.
European organization of organic apple and pear growers.
Europäisches Konsortium für ökologische Pflanzenzucht e. V.
The European Consortium for Organic plant breeding (ECO-PB), founded 20th April 2001 in Driebergen (NL), aims to provide a platform for: discussion and exchange of knowledge and experiences; initiation, support of organic plant breeding programmes; the development of scientific concepts of an organic plant breeding; the provision of independent, competent expertise to develop standard setting with respect to organic plant breeding. ECO-PB commits itself to the principles of organic agricultur...
Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Universität Kassel-Witzenhausen
The Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences is a part of the University of Kassel in Germany that has been teaching and conducting research on Organic Agriculture since 1995. Our aim is the preservation and improvement of nutritional resources and livelihoods in general. Taking into account these priorities, research and teaching are based on the precautionary principle in terms of contents and methods. More than 1200 students are enrolled in the following programs: Bachelor and Master “Ökol...
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V.
Fairtrade is an internationally recognised, multi-stakeholder, non-profit organization, focusing on the empowerment of people in developing countries through trade. Fairtrade's mission is to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives. Fairtrade International provides the leadership, tools and services to inspire and empower more people to achieve Fair...
Fédération Nationale d'Agriculture Biologique des Régions de France - FNAB
The National Federation of Organic Agriculture (FNAB) represents over 10, 000 organic farmers in France and overseas. FNAB was created in 1978 by 4 organic farmers and gathers nowadays as a network 78 local and 22 regional groups with a total of 250 employees. The FNAB network works with national and local public authorities and numbers of NGO's to develop organic farming in France. FNAB has contributed to the creation of a private organic brand and label called "Bio cohérence" in 2010.
Federation of WWOOF Organisations
WWOOF® (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) links visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.
The founding idea of WWOOF is to facilitate exchanges around sustainable living and organic agriculture in pursuit of living in harmony with nature. WWOOF provides a way for people to learn about organic food, farming, and culture. In doing so it brings together people who share similar ...
Federazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica
FederBio associates the main organic farming organizations at regional and national level, carrying out all activities in the sector of production, transformation, distribution, certification, the ruling and safeguarding of the interests of operators, technicians and organic products consumers. FederBio is currently the sector's unitary representative organization in which the major national regimes for certification, regulation and the protection of operators', technicians' and consumers' in...
FiBL Europe
FiBL Europe is the umbrella organization representing the current five FiBL national research institutes in Brussels. FiBL Europe provides a single contact point to access all the competences of the national FiBL centre; provides scientific knowledge and technical solutions to advance organic farming and sustainable agriculture; contributes to the scientific excellence to develop sustainable food system in Europe and developing countries
FiBL France
The FiBL France was created in 2017 in Drôme. FiBL France works for research on organic farming in France, mainly in Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region . FiBL France bridges expertise from Switzerland to France and vice versa and performs on-farm research in France.
Fondazione COISPA ETS
The mission of COISPA Foundation is to promote environmental research and innovation firmly anchored in ethical principles, social and solidarity values.
Our studies on living marine resources, marine environments, fishery and aquaculture are inspired by animal welfare, environmental protection and the socio-economic enhancement of the communities involved.
The development of organic aquaculture and sustainable fishery is a milestone among our activities.
Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau (FÖKO) e.V.
FÖKO (Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V.) is an association of more than 210 organic fruit growers in Germany. We organize scientific studies on organic fruit growing and host conferences, meetings and annual basic courses on organic fruit farming. FÖKO is publisher of the periodical "Öko-Obstbau". We support close cooperation and networking between fruit farmers, consultants and scientists.
Foreningen for Biodynamisk Jordbrug
Biodynamic association founded in 1936. Supply members and others with information about the biodynamic method through booklets, videos, projekcts, courses and exibitions. Publishs books about biodynamics and members magazine 'Biodynamisk Jordbrug'. Refers to biodynamic advisory. Member of IBDA (International Biodynamic Association) and BFDI (Biodynamic Federation Demeter Intrenational). Responsible for the Demeter-standards in Denmark.
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland
FiBL Deutschland e.V. provides scientific services to organic agriculture, especially at the interface between research and agricultural practice. From this mandate it derives the four pillars of its work for organic agriculture and the organic food industry. These pillars are knowledge transfer, drawing up concepts to strengthen organic agriculture, scientific support for stakeholders in the field and the promotion of stakeholdernetworks.
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Schweiz
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture. Its locations are situated in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and a representation in Brussels (Belgium) through FiBL Europe. FiBL’s strengths lie in its interdisciplinary research, innovations developed jointly with farmers and the food industry, solution-oriented development projects and rapid knowledge transfer from research into practice.
Forschungsring e.V.
We carry out research on organic agriculture, especially biodynamic, provide quality approvement of organic products and conduct educational activities (workshops etc.).
Francesca Baldin
The GASAP (Groupe d'Achats Solidaires de l'Agriculture Paysanne) offer a direct and solidary link with local farms that work for an agroecological agriculture, which provides jobs in our regions. It is much more than a basket of organic vegetables, it is a real food alternative!
Like the French AMAPs, the GASAPs are a citizens' initiative and aim to support peasant agriculture and are federated in the GASAP Network. This translates into a partnership between eaters and producers who make ...
FRUXOTIC International Consultancy
FRUXOTIC International Consultancy offers advisory services along the entire value chain of the organic fruits trade. Our vast experience in supporting producers, processors, traders, consumers, project developers and other supporters includes trade packaging, energy saving and recovery, waste and wastewater management, taking environmental, social, and economic aspects into account. Also, our team works in all aspects of bioenergy, emission reduction and climate protection, fair trade, and s...
Gäa e.V. - Vereinigung ökologischer Landbau Bundesverband
Out of an environmental movement Gäa e.V., association of organic farming, was founded in Dresden in 1988. Gäa became the first East German organic farmers organization. The main objective is to provide information and guidance to farmers, gardeners and processors for the conversion process to organic principles. Lobbying and capacity-building in the field of the organic sector are its main objectivs. Gäa has developed own standards and started inspection and certification activities in 1991....