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Members are organizations who have chosen to support IFOAM - Organics International and it's mission. Members' activities are predominantly organic, i.e they dedicate over 50% of their budget/turnover or activities to organic agriculture.
Members have voting rights at our General Assembly, taking place every three years.
457 results found
Biofarm Genossenschaft
Biofarm promotes organic farming in Switzerland, contractsorganic cultures with farmers snd trades organic food under the 'Biofarm' label.

BioForum vzw
BioForum unites, represents and supports companies working in the organic agricultural and food sector in Flanders. BioForum also informs the consumer on the surplus value of organic agriculture and food.

Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft.
Organic control body HU-ÖKO-01 operating in Hungary in line with EU organic regulations.

Biokreis e.V.
Biokreis e.V. - Verband für ökologischen Landbau und gesunde Ernährung (association for organic farming and healthy food) is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1979 by considerate consumers in Bavaria. Today, it conducts certification, consultation and political representation for nearly 2,000 organic farmers, growers, processors, retailers and traders.
Biokreis is made up of five strong regions covering the complete country, which facilitate the development and the reinstitution of re...

Bioland e.V.
Bioland is a farmers' organization. Its main activities include: Standard setting, certification, advisory services, education and editing of books.

BIOMAS & HOTGAME, situated in Brittany (France), receives and prepares a wide range of organic vegetables and very original vegetables for the local and the national markets. BIOMAS & HOTGAME group includes organized producers. Their farms, family sized, are situated on the north coast of Brittany and benefit from the oceanic climate, convenient for vegetable farming. Our farmers are proud of their region and soil and try to protect them by practicing environment friendly Farming.

VBP is the Dutch assosiastion for wholesalers and producers in the Netherlands. VBP is one of the stakeholders of Bionext, the chain orgrnisation for the organic sector in the Netherlands. - Swiss platform for organic processing and trading firms is a platform open to all firms and organizations interested in organic processing, trade and gastronomy. There are a variety of specific services exclusively for members beyond the 2 weekly newsletter.

Bios s.r.l.
Bios S.r.l. has been operating since 1999 in Italy and since 2004 in Romania certifying according to EC Reg. 834/2007 and USDA NOP

We are a ervice provider founded in 2007. Our services include training/consultancy, ICS and facilitation of external certification and marketing. BioService is active in promoting organic farming in Kyrgyzstan. It is also active in Central Asian countries in partnership with organic projects.

Bio Suisse is a private-sector organization and the association of Swiss organic agricultural organizations. This umbrella organization counts 33 regional and national member organisations, with more than 7500 individual organic farms and processors among its members, as well as the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL. We develop common and uniform standards for agriculture and processing, as basis to use the protected trademark 'Bud' (German: Knospe). Organic produce carrying the...

Biotechnicon poduzetnicki centar d.o.o.
Authorized control and certification body for organic agriculture and production. Accredited according to the 17065 standard.

Biovision - Stiftung für ökologische Entwicklung
Biovision has been promoting ecological solutions to reduce poverty and improve food security in sub-Saharan Africa since 1998. The Swiss foundation develops and circulates practice-oriented agroecological knowledge and action through its strong partner network. Biovision aligns its work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030, particularly Goal 2 of “Zero Hunger”. As a pioneer of change, Biovision advocates a fundamental, agroecological transformation of food sys...

Biovision Africa Trust
Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) is a not-for-profit organisation established in Kenya in 2009 by the Biovision Foundation for ecological development of Switzerland. The Trust’s goal is to alleviate poverty, and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya, and other African countries through supporting the dissemination of information and knowledge on appropriate technologies and practices in sustainable agriculture to improve human, animal, plant, and en...

Bluesensus- sustainability & seafood consulting
bluesensus- sustainability & seafood consulting is specialized in organic and sustainable seafood business (aquaculture and fisheries). The company founder, Udo Censkowsky, has been working for more than 25 years in the organic food business. He is one of the pioneers in organic aquaculture and organizes the BioFish Forum since 2004 in Nuremberg. He works within a network of professionals in seafood and sustainability.

BNS-Biocyclic Network Services Ltd.
BNS Biocyclic Network Services coordinates and supervises worldwide the implementation of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard. BNS acts on behalf of Adolf-Hoops-Gesellschaft, the label owner and standard organisation of the Biocyclic Vegan Standard, which is part of the IFOAM Family of Standards. BNS is also the legal representative of the Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network and offers educational services to producers, inspectors, agronomists and advisors. Moreover, BNS is responsable for the Green...

Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği
Buğday ecological grassroots movement started in the 1990s and evolved into an association in 2002. Buğday’s mission is to create ecological living conscience and awareness in the society both on the individual basis and as a whole; to offer solutions to the problems arising due to the irreversible destruction of the ecological systems; and to support living in harmony with nature.
Buğday Association:
- Shares knowledge and experience on ecological living.
- Values traditional knowledge...

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.
BÖLW is the German Association of Organic Farmers, Processors and Retailers

Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V.
Association for organic processors, wholesale and retail (food processing and trading, pesticide monitoring of organic fruit and vegetables, monitoring of shelf stable food)

Burundi Organic Agricultural Movement
Burundi Organic Agricultural Movement (BOAM) is an organization which promotes organic farming in Burundi. We grow fruits and vegetables. BOAM has 25 members (individuals and cooperatives). We will soon produce sitevia and Coffee. Currently we grow organic sitevia ; coffee; cassava, soybeans and tomato.
We help and supervise more than 40 farmers at the national level. We are advocating for organic practices and the Burundi Government specially the Ministry of Agriculture is getting awareness...