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94 results found
Prof. dr. Edith Lammerts van Bueren
I am emeritus professor in Organic Plant Breeding of Wageningen University (NL) and have worked at Louis Bolk Institute for more than 30 years. Currently, I am still very much engaged in organic seed issues. Besides, I chair the Board of the BioAcademy, a Dutch online platform for education in the organic sector ( Proud to be one of IFOAM's ambassadors! My other area of interests are deepening the understanding of biodynamic themes such farm organism and farm individuality ...

Ralph Liebing
Working since 2015 as free-lancing consultant with my company named Taorganics - Green Market-Development & Capacity Building, situated in Vienna/Austria.
I am embedded in the vast network of the global organic agriculture movement and able to provide links to potential buyers in processing, wholesale and retail in the core-markets of the EU as much as linking producers from the South with European markets.
My expertise is related to the broad area of product- and market-development for or...

Saeed Ahmadirad
My name is Saeed Ahmadi Rad and I have a Ph.D degree in Agronomy. Due to my interest in the production of organic products, in 2018, I rented 60-hectare plot of land from its owner to cultivate and produce organic products. At the beginning our agricultural operations in these lands it was cultivated without chemical inputs and the preparation of the substrate was organic production. In 2020, the fields became fallow so that in 2021 we could start cultivating cumin, Pistachio, Mallow and blac...
Sahar Brahim
Since January 2022, I have been working as a certified analyst at FLOCERT Company located in Bonn. Part of my job is to assess EU FAIRTRADE customers' audit reports against Fairtrade standards. Other tasks include active communication with certified applicants and clients and assisting with certification-related issues.
I am a PhD student (since 2014 till now) at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation-Dept. Agroecology & Organic Farming- University Bonn- Germany. I have...

Senior International Auditor & Certifier for organic crop production, complex processor & trader
Saro Gerd Ratter
Consultant for organic agriculture with experiences in many African countries and India.

Thomas Schneider, OICOS Konzepte GbR
Nature Conservation Management, Consulting, Audits (Eco, QS, VLOG and others), Regional Development, Disaster Management and Risk Governance

Veronique Chable
Véronique Chable is a senior scientist at INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), Rennes in France. She has coordinated EU projects since 2007. She is coordinator of DIVERSIFOOD, a H2020 project (2015-2019). Through multi-actors, trans-disciplinary approaches, these programs evaluate and enrich the diversity of cultivated plants within diverse agroecosystems so as to increase their performance, resilience and quality, re-discovering genetic resources of species and developing ad...

Yogesh Bachkar
Mr. Yogesh Bachkar is the enthusiast of Sustainable Agriculture and rural Development. He is a small holder farmer and worked in organic certification as Sr. Organic Inspector and Certifier for Organic Inputs projects of Asia, Europe and Africa region. He has experience in Inspection for Crop production, Organic Processing Units, Trading Units and organic inputs manufacturing units. He is well versed with the product certification criteria and accreditation and other regulations, standards o...