IFOAM Organics Europe

Country/Territory | Belgium |
Website | www.organicseurope.bio |
Description | IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming and regional body of IFOAM - Organics International. We represent organic in European policymaking and advocate for a transformation of food and farming. Our work is based on the principles of organic agriculture – health, ecology, fairness and care. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, our work spans the entire organic food chain. Address: Rue Marie Thérèse 11, 1000 – Brussels
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176 results found
Lokvina d.o.o
Biodynamic vegetable farm in Istria. Working with other local producers to place organic products to regional markets and to improve economic efficiency of organic farmers. Joint sourcing of production inputs (seeds, etc.) for local companies

Valoritalia societa per la certificazione delle qualita e delle produzioni vitivinicole Italiane S.r
VALORITALIA is the leading company in the control of Italian wines with Designation of Origin: it controls over 70% of Italian DO and IG wine production. It is also a Voluntary Certification Body: provides certification services according to the main international standard for quality, food safety, traceability and sustainability, and develops innovative projects and disciplinary in response to specific objectives of positioning, development and differentiation to the distribution channels. I...

Organic Sweden
Organic Sweden is an association of companies, organizations, farmers, chefs, scientists, foodies, and anyone else who wants to work together for organic.

Global Standard gemeinnützige GmbH
We develop and operate the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). GOTS is recognized as the leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibers worldwide. It defines high level environmental criteria along the entire supply chain of organic textiles and requires compliance with social criteria and independent third party certification.

Organic Arable Market Company Limited
The only wholly organic grain business in the UK. We are independent and farmer-owned and run for the benefit of our producers. We provide technical assistance to our farmers as well as marketing expertise and seek to help them develop their organic arable enterprise. We have a number of partnerships with processing facilities in order to help both condition and process grain. This will be a growth area for our business for the future. We have an increasing focus on developing integrated supp...

a'verdis Roehl & Dr. Strassner GbR
We are an internationally operating consulting company. We work together with our clients to develop sustainable foodservice solutions for the catering, restaurant and foodservice sectors. We envision solutions that are attractive and economically sound on a health-promoting and ecologically sustainable basis. We are deeply committed to training and knowledge transfer whereby we seek to empower those with whom we work. We make sure all stakeholders are reached by engaging in professional publ...

VBP is the Dutch assosiastion for wholesalers and producers in the Netherlands. VBP is one of the stakeholders of Bionext, the chain orgrnisation for the organic sector in the Netherlands.

Yhdistyneet Luomutuottajat Ry - Ekologiska Producenternas Allians rf
FOPA is an alliance of Finnish organic farmers and producers. FOPA co-operates with all relevant stakeholders.

Verbund Ökohöfe e.V.
Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. was founded in 2006. The association's main activity is the continuous development of various organic regulations as well as the corresponding control and certification of companies. Other activities include agricultural and horticultural production, food processing, forestry, beekeeping, fish farming. Regulations are currently under development for plant breeding and animal transportation.

IG Bio-Initiative e.V.
The aim of the interest group of organic farmers ‘IG BIO-Initiative e.V.’ is to create standards and quality assurance programmes for organic production in the plant and animal sector and thus to enable a simple, transparent and easily understandable evaluation of products.
The Bio-Initiative pursues non-profit purposes for the benefit of animals and the environment in order to implement the standards. This means
- Consistent animal welfare, keeping farm animals in a species-appropriat...

Association Forum of Organic Agriculture Mieczyslaw Górny
Forum of Organic Agricuture named M. Górny is a non-profit NGO association of Polish scientists and other stakeholders connected closely to organic agriculture. We promote organic farming and form opinions on important matters related to organic agriculture in Poland. We try to bring together different persons/ groups active in the same field. We are very active in actions against GMO in Poland and try to influence politicians on this matter. We discuss the most important scientific needs of ...

Diversified Communications UK
Diversified Communications UK is the European Division of Diversified Communications, a family owned company, with a growing global network.

Servicio de Certificación CAAE, S.L.U.
The CAAE Certification Service is a Spanish certification body which started to offer its services in 1991. Its main aim is to certify organic farming but its specialization and experience allows it to provide a wide range of services adapted to the needs of farmers, industries, groups, importers, traders, etc. It is at present leading the organic sector in Spain and Europe with more than 1 million organic certified hectares and around 15.000 producers.

Česká Technologická Platforma pro Ekologické Zemědělství
The Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) was founded with the aim of uniting and linking a wide range of people and companies active in the field of organic farming and organic food production. The platform was founded in accordance with the European initiative of TP Organics. The CTPOA incorporates research institutes, universities, business representatives in the Czech Republic, both primary producers and processors of organic produce. All members have bound themselves ...

Organic Farming Department, Institute of Regional Research, University of Agribusiness and Regional Development
The University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (former Higher School 'Agricultural College') is well experienced in international project preparation, management and implementation. It embraces successful activities in sustainable, environmental, and economic development, training, consulting, networking and quality assurance in organic agriculture, transfer of innovations, etc. It provides Bachelor and Master degree study programs in agribusiness, rural development, tourism, management...

Therapeutic Community Agia Skepi
Therapeutic community for drug addiction integrating organic farming work therapy.

Humus - Network for civic-mindedness in agriculture in Italy
Humus is promoted by various organizations, in different ways active in organic agriculture in Italy, in order for the principles of it to be recognized as a point of reference for the whole agri-food system. The objective is to develop high standards of Italian organic farming.

ÖMKi - Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
The strategic goal of ÖMKi is to foster scientific research of an international standard in the field of organic agriculture and food production in Hungary. In cooperation with many actors of the Hungarian organic movement we implement research and development projects that – through their practical application – enable us to create an efficient system for scientific research and extension services.

Federazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica
FederBio associates the main organic farming organizations at regional and national level, carrying out all activities in the sector of production, transformation, distribution, certification, the ruling and safeguarding of the interests of operators, technicians and organic products consumers. FederBio is currently the sector's unitary representative organization in which the major national regimes for certification, regulation and the protection of operators', technicians' and consumers' in...

SoCoPro npo (Services Opérationnels du Collège des Producteurs)
The SoCoPro npo aims to allow farmers to assert their interests to public authorities. Farmers can give their opinion through this structure in response to questions submitted by the authorities or on own initiative. The SoCoPro npo deals with 11 agricultural sectors (crops, potatoes, fruit and vegetable, poultry, pork...and organic). The section "organic" within the SoCoPro npo gathers opinions of the organic associations and operators concerning the organic legislation.

NATRUE is a Brussels based international non-profit association committed to promoting and protecting Natural and Organic Cosmetics worldwide. Founded in 2007, it provides a home to all true friends of Natural and Organic Cosmetics and embrace all who commit to our high standards of quality and integrity. The NATRUE Label sets a high standard so people worldwide can enjoy Natural Cosmetics truly worthy of the name. Over 5500 products from nearly 30 countries have already been certified accor...

Association Ekovín
Ekovin's goal is to promote modern technologies that are particularly environmentally friendly. The mastery of integrated production technology is the gateway to a successful transition to a purely organic system, as demonstrated by the ever increasing area of registered biowheat farms. Currently there are approx. 12,000 hectares of vineyards in integrated production, which represents approximately 63% of all vineyards in the Czech Republic, and with the growing interest in organic farming, t...