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8 results found


Alliance for Organic Integrity

United States of America

The Alliance was founded in 2019 by IOAS to improve organic integrity. Our mission, is to be the global multistakeholder Alliance that delivers the education, tools and resources needed to lift quality in organic control; maintaining the integrity of organic certification and consumer confidence in the organic label.

We aim to:
- Collaborate with stakeholders from industry, control bodies, government agencies and non-profits to share knowledge, innovations, resources and solutions for org...

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Biodynamic Agricultural Association

United Kingdom

The Biodynamic Association (BDA) is a charitable organisation founded in 1929 to foster and promote biodynamic farming and gardening in the UK. We give support and advice, publish our journal Star & Furrow, and organize regular workshops and conferences. We belong to the worldwide biodynamic movement, inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Lectures, given in 1924. Put simply, our aim is greater vitality for people and planet through more biodynamic acres, more biodynamic food, and more unde...

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Canadian Organic Growers Inc.


Canadian Organic Growers (COG) is Canada’s oldest organic and regenerative agriculture association, providing education, advocacy, and leadership to empower farmers and consumers, enhance public health, build community, mitigate climate change, and strengthen Canadian food sovereignty.

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Europäisches Konsortium für ökologische Pflanzenzucht e. V.


The European Consortium for Organic plant breeding (ECO-PB), founded 20th April 2001 in Driebergen (NL), aims to provide a platform for: discussion and exchange of knowledge and experiences; initiation, support of organic plant breeding programmes; the development of scientific concepts of an organic plant breeding; the provision of independent, competent expertise to develop standard setting with respect to organic plant breeding. ECO-PB commits itself to the principles of organic agricultur...

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Soil Association

United Kingdom

The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by a group of farmers, scientists and nutritionists who observed a direct connection between farming practice and plant, animal, human and environmental health. Today, we are the UK's leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use. The Soil Association wrote some of the world's first organic standards. We continue to play a leading role in developing standards that reflect the requirements of the o...

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Sonairte - The National Ecology Centre


Sonairte was established in 1988 by members of the local community and concerned environmentalists to promote environmental awareness and education in Ireland. Sonairte is now an interactive ecological centre promoting environmental awareness and sustainable living. We have been serving and growing with the local community for over 25 years. We are organically certified by Organic Trust Limited.
The centre offers a variety of facilities including Organic Vegetable Gardens, Eco-Shop, Vegetar...

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Vía Orgánica A.C


Via Orgánica, a sister organization to the Organic Consumers Association, is a Mexican non-profit (Asociación Civil) whose mission is to work toward social justice through the development of sustainable, ecological agriculture, and systems that guarantee human health, protection of the environment and fair trade

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Organization Earth is a Greek civil society organization founded in 2010 to provide experiential, non-formal education for sustainable development for all ages. Organization Earth also manages an organic urban farm, the “Center of the Earth”, that acts as a center of environmental education. In September 2016, the IUCN awarded the Center of the Earth with the “Nature for All” as the best urban initiative worldwide connecting people to Nature!

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