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Explore our Affiliates from Germany
79 results found
Joern Berger International Consultancy
Independent consultant, specialized on international value chains and markets, international sustainable and organic agriculture and food processing. Vocational trainer, facilitator and export coach with focus on food and natural ingredients for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors with expertise in Latin-American biodiversity products, fine flavour-cacao and chocolate. Jörn Berger is active for Latin-American and West African countries, consultant and trainer on CSR-implementation a...
Karin Heinze
For more than three decades my organic conviction has motivated me to commit myself to the ideas and values of the international organic movement. During this long time, I gained experience as a journalist, photographer, video filmmaker and in public relations. My journalistic work has always focused on topics related to organic, natural cosmetics, ecology, fair trade and sustainability. As an author, I have worked for various publications of German organic media and, together with Kai Kreuze...
KIWA BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH
In 1992, BCS OEKO-GARANTIE GmbH became the first German certification body registered under the Organic Regulation of the European Union (EEC 2092/91). Since that time, Kiwa BCS OEKO-GARANTIE has become well established in the European market and has gained a strong international presence. Our client base encompasses all sectors of the organic industry, including farmers, processors, (re-)packers, importers, exporters and warehousing companies. Our services are also frequently requested by o...
Klaus Merckens
Biodynamic consultancy services. Demeter recognized Advisor, working worldwide in support towards biodynamic farming. Specialist in sustainable biodiversity and water management. AWS credentialed specialist.
Landwirtschaft & Oekologisches Gleichgewicht mit Osteuropa
LOGO e.V. offers internships and seminars in Germany for young agrarian specialists from Eastern Europe, the Caucasian States and Central Asia. LOGO organizes conferences and carries out projects in organic agriculture.
Laurus Management und Qualitätssicherung GmbH
Laurus develops and provides a web-based compost production management and quality assurance system for the controlled microbiologically composting (CMC) according to Pfeiffer-Lübke.
Luis Dias GmbH
Bei Luis Dias und seinem Team leiten uns Passion und Hingabe für erstklassige und umweltbewusste Qualität. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wahrer Genuss nur durch den Einsatz hochwertiger Rohstoffe entsteht. Unsere sorgfältig kreierten Bio-Gewürzmischungen, Gewürzzubereitungen und Gewürzsalze spiegeln genau diese Überzeugung wider.
Nak-karitativ e.V.
In Ethiopia, Kenya, Sambia, Niger and Malawi we apply the conditions of organic production to our community projects, mainly in plant production, but successively in animal production as well. Concerning the value chain we are opting to introduce projects on Aloe Vera production and Mango vinegar production. Rabbit production in Kenya and beyond is another aspect we are focussing on in the years to come.
Naturkost Schramm Import-Export GmbH
Import of ecological fruits and vegetables from Spain, France, Maroc and the south of Germany.
Naturland - Verband für ökologischen Landbau e. V.
Naturland is one of the major international associations for organic agriculture and promotes organic farming worldwide. Currently about 116,000 farmers, bee-keepers, fish farmers and fishers in 60 countries manage some 615,000 hectares according to the Naturland standards. Naturland certification standards do not only cover plant and animal production. They also include bee-keeping, aquaculture, sustainable capture fishery, food processing as well as non-food areas like forest management, co...
Organic Policy, Business and Research Consultancy
To be successful and sustainable, organic food and farming systems need to based on sound ethical and ecological principles, well-informed both technically and financially, and actively supported by society in recognition of the public benefits delivered.
Our organic consultancy service brings together an in-depth understanding of technical, business, regulatory and policy issues based on our lifetimes of practical and research experience.
Organic Services GmbH
Organic Services is an international strategy and management consultancy, specialising in the organic and sustainability sector. We focus on certification and integrity solutions to combat fraud and misuse of quality claims. Solutions include Group Integrity for smallholder internal control systems and companies with contracted farmers, Ecert Basic for small local certifiers' certification management, and Check Organic the cloud-based integrity platform integrating certification and supply ch...
Qualitätsgemeinschaft Bio-Mineralwasser e.V.
The Organic Mineral Water Association was officially established in 2008. Today all important organic associations of Germany, like Bioland, Demeter, Naturland, Biokreis, BNN and AÖL are member of the quality association.
Natural mineral water is a product of soil. The life cycle of a cultivated plant differs from the cultivation of mineral water only in the time they spend in the earth, which for the latter can span anywhere from a few years to millennia. Therefore the quality of a Natural ...
Rapunzel Naturkost AG
International purchase of Organic Food ingredients, Organic Project organization, processing of Organic Food, sales of Organic Food in more then 30 countries
REWE Group
The cooperatively organized REWE Group is one of the leading trade and tourism groups in Germany and Europe. In 2023, the company generated a total external turnover of 92 billion euros. Founded in 1927, REWE Group operates with around 390,000 employees in 21 European countries. The sales lines include REWE, REWE CENTER and BILLA as well as BILLA PLUS and ADEG supermarkets and consumer stores, the discounter PENNY, IKI, the drugstores BIPA and the toom Baumarkt DIY stores. The company also op...
Sahar Brahim
Since January 2022, I have been working as a certified analyst at FLOCERT Company located in Bonn. Part of my job is to assess EU FAIRTRADE customers' audit reports against Fairtrade standards. Other tasks include active communication with certified applicants and clients and assisting with certification-related issues.
I am a PhD student (since 2014 till now) at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation-Dept. Agroecology & Organic Farming- University Bonn- Germany. I have...
Saro Gerd Ratter
Consultant for organic agriculture with experiences in many African countries and India.
Stiftung Haus der Bauern
The “Haus der Bauern” foundation in Schwäbisch Hall supports freedom, cultural self-determination and social fairness for the agricultural and rural population in the Hohenlohe region, in Europe and beyond. It is modelled on Albert Schweitzer’s ethic: respect for life.
Agriculture by small farmers is an essential contribution to the production of food, the fight against hunger and poverty worldwide and the preservation of natural resources and living conditions. Nevertheless, small farmers...
Thomas Schneider, OICOS Konzepte GbR
Nature Conservation Management, Consulting, Audits (Eco, QS, VLOG and others), Regional Development, Disaster Management and Risk Governance
Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming
The Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming is part of the German Federal Research Institute of Rural Areas, Fishery and Forestry. The function of the research institute is the development of the 'Organic Farming of Tomorrow' and independend recommendation to the German government in all fields related to organic farming. The experimental focus lies on the development of organic animal husbandry systems.