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Explore our Affiliates from Oceania
26 results found
ACO Certification Ltd
ACO Certification Limited (ACO) is Australia's largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 2,000 operators and 29,000 products certified to Australian and International standards within its certification system. ACO provides certification services to operators from a wide range of industries including primary production, Food and Cosmetic manufacturing, Allowed Inputs, Retail, Food safety and sustainability, and more.
ACO creates trust and integrity for operators and th...

AsureQuality Ltd
AsureQuality is a commercial company 100% owned by the New Zealand Government. We provide food assurance services to the food and primary production sectors. At AsureQuality we offer comprehensive organic audit and certification services to farmers, processors, growers and other brands looking to showcase their commitment to organic integrity. With a deep understanding of industry regulations and sustainable practices, our team of certified professionals will guide you through every step of t...

Australian Organic Ltd
Australian Organic Limited (AOL) is a non-profit and member-owned industry body that strives to create a positive impact for humans, animals and the environment, now and in the future.
Since its inception in 1987, under the name ‘Biological Farmers of Australia’, the operation has grown to encompass all levels of the organic sector and engage in diverse initiatives, including government advocacy, policy and research on behalf of the broader industry.
Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Australia
In 1952 the Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Australia (BDAAA) was founded as a training body to aid farmers in developing the skills and techniques to change from conventional to Australian Demeter Biodynamic farming. All members of the association are Biodynamic owner/operator farmers, who form a purposeful guild, which also mentors newly converting farmers by providing support and advice.

Certified Organic Biodynamic Western Australia Inc.
COBWA is a cohesive industry group advancing certified organic and biodynamic systems into food and fibre markets, to benefit the nation's health, and the wellbeing of current and future generations. COBWA was formed to grow the organics industry in Western Australia by bringing together all sectors and levels of the organics industry, from experienced producers to those just starting out, and from suppliers of products and knowledge to processors and consumers of organic food and fibre.
Els Wynen
Agricultural economist with numerous publications, in particular concerning the economics of organic agriculture in Australia - see:

Jon Manhire
I have worked at many levels to support the growth of organic agriculture including: research, governance, consultancy.
Karen Mapusua
Karen Mapusua is President of IFOAM Organics International (2021) and is the Director of the Land Resources Division of the Pacific Community based in Fiji providing scientific and technical support in agricultural development, serving 22 Pacific Island states. She has a background in NGO capacity building and management and has worked in rural development in the Pacific islands region for close to 20 years with a focus on organic agriculture as a path to social and economic development.

Mount Anne Organics
I am a director of Mount Anne Organics.
Mount Anne Organics is a primary producer of grain and livestock in Western Australia.
Mount Anne Organics operates on a 1800 Hectare property in the Western Australian Wheatbelt region
NASAA Organic
Established in 1986, NASAA Organic (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia) is Australia's first and most respected non-for-profit organic association.
We are driven to create a world where manufacturing and food production benefits the health of humankind and the environment. By increasing the uptake of sustainable, organic agriculture and consumer demand for certified organic produce. With passion we support, educate and promote the benefits of sustainable agriculture...

The Organic and Regenerative Investment Cooperative's (ORICoop) is changing the way we connect with food, farms, and people. To activate investment & provide sustainable growth opportunities across the organic, regenerative, biodynamic farming and food sector in Australia. This includes acquisition and management of long term organic & regenerative assets to underpin the industry. We enable strong networks amongst our ORICoop members, farmers, stakeholders & investors in the future growth ...
Organic Farm New Zealand
The main objective of Organic Farm NZ is to provide on affordable organic certification system through the PGS process. OFNZ members also promote knowledge or organic to the wider community through farm visits and workshops.
Organic Operators Australia
Organic Operators Australia (Organic Industries of Australia Ltd) is the national peak body which acts in the interests of all certified organic operators. It represents Australia's organic industries in government forums and industry initiatives.

Pacific Organic & Ethical Trade Community (POETCom)
POETCom is a non-profit membership based organization with active members (farmers associations, farmer support organizations, NGOs, private sector, research institutions and working with governments) in 17 countries of the Pacific Island region with the Secretariat hosted by the Land Resources Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community in Suva, Fiji.

Paul Kristiansen
Lecturer and researcher in Agricultural Systems & Rural Development with over 20 years experience working with organic systems in Australia and SE Asia.

Founded in 2011, Bio Fetia is the only PGS in French Polynesia. It is an association which federates producers and consumers and delivers the BIO PASIFIKA guarantee in strict compliance with the Pacific Organic Standard.
Bio Fetia is based on trust, exchange networks, transparency, solidarity and continuous improvement.
Te Waka Kai Ora Incorporated
We are the National Māori Organics Authority of Aotearoa. We are the kaitiaki of the Hua Parakore Indigenous Validation and Verification system for Kai Atua or Pure Food. Our Hua Parakore system is a Māori food sovereignty system that supports food secure futures for our whānau. We are staunchly opposed to the use of chemicals, fertilisers and GMOs in agriculture and all food production.
We are a not-for-profit kaupapa Māori organisation. We are made up of Hua Parakore verified producers ...
The Soil & Health Association of NZ Inc.
The Soil & Health Association is the largest membership organisation supporting organic food and farming in New Zealand and one of the oldest organic organisations in the world, established in 1941. We are committed to advocating our maxim "Healthy Soil - Healthy Food - Healthy People" and to creating an organic New Zealand. - Publishes Organic NZ - NZ's leading organics magazine - Supports the development of research into organics - Promotes organic production methods - Works to curb ...

Tim Marshall
Tim Marshall is a writer, trainer and consultant. Writing includes books, magazine articles, manuals and websites. Training and consulting cover a broad scope of organic production and distribution, with emphasis on certification compliance and on conversion to organic. He is also a founder and 2-times past Chair of NASAA, the founder of the Organic Consumers Association of Australia, Director at Organic Operators Australia, Chair of the charity Organic Trust Australia: Research and Education...