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Explore our Affiliates from Costa Rica
3 results found
Asociación Nacional de Agricultura Orgánica
We promote organic farming, train in organic certification, and teach organic production techniques. ANAO members are active in all aspects of the organic production sector: producers, certifiers, trainers, politicians, etc.
ANAO has created a daughter organization, the Organic Certification Agency EcoLOGICA S.A. EcoLOGICA certifies under Costa Rica national regulation for the EU through the Third Country Status in Costa Rica and to the USDA National Organic Program. Biodynamic in alliance w...

International Analog Forestry Network
The International Analog Forestry Network was established in 1996. The primary objective of the IAFN network is to restore ecosystems environmental stability and biodiversity, through research, design, and the application of the Analog Forestry system. Promote the adoption of International Certification Standards 'Forest Garden Products' to ensure the proper implementation, design, and management of Analog Forestry. Our organization does not profit from the sale of products under the FGP labe...