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Explore our Affiliates from Saudi Arabia
3 results found
Department Organic Production, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia
The Department Organic Production in the Ministry of Enviermint, Water and Agriculture is the only authorized organization controlling the organic sector in Saudi Arabia.

The First Agricultural Co. for Registration, Inspection & Certification TAWTHIQ
TAWTHIQ is the first accredited national inspection and certification body in Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf Countries that grants an approved certificates for organic agriculture (Farms, Firms, Organic Agri., Inputs & Apiary, Livestock, Aquaculture, GLOBALG.A.P certificates, Sub-Scope Fruit and Vegetables., and Halal Islamic Food (in progress)). TAWTHIQ is accredited according to ISO 17065:2012 from the international accreditation body ACCREDIA (Italy) according to TAWTHIQ Standards Equ...