Contact first name: Jennifer

Contact last name: Chang

Contact email:

Street: Imgeokjungro, Goesan-eup

Postal code:

City: Goesan County

State: Chungbuk Province

Country: Korea (Republic of)


Partner Deliverables:

Deliverable Notes
1 - Set of principles and attributesALGOA is a special project of IFOAM Asia and was established in 2015 and is a member-based organization of local government units(lgu)and IFOAM Asia affiliates in Asia. With 53 members in 16 countries in Asia, ALGOA aims for the “100% adoption of organic agriculture practices” and provides policy supportand helps lgus to implement national govt policies into action on the local levels.
2 - Drivers and indicators of sustainable production and consumptionALGOA works with local governments units and IFOAM Asia affiliatesto promote organic food production and consumption through the trainingof local government officials and IFOAM Asia affiliates, dissemination of information through its Annual Summit and documentation of best practices and successful case studies through annual collection of country reports.
3 - Actual data on sustainable production and consumptionALGOA collects recent data from its members through annual country reports. ALGOA also works with its member the League of Organic Agriculture Municipalities & Cities (LOAMC) of the Philippines to assessthedata and development of organic agriculture with the tools specially developed by LOAMC.ALGOA also aims to make useof the tools developed by IFOAM Organics International –the “Global Policy Tool Kit on Public Support on Organic Agriculture".
4 - Policy reform proposals/argumentsALGOA assist in the development of policies on the local government level and proposes specific action plans to be implemented. This could be meetings with the central governments or working with regional and/or international organizations such as ASEAN, APEC or the UN FAO-AP.Bilateral MoUs and friendship agreements exist between ALGOA members who have taken the initiative to work together in terms of information and personnel exchanges in production, technology and research.
5 - Training and education toolsALGOA hosts an annual Summit for the leaders of local governmentsand IFOAM Asia affiliates to share their experiences and best case-studies on organic farming. The annual Summit also introduces to the leaders form the Asian local governments the major issues and strategies of the global organic movements and what can be learnt and implemented on thelocal level.The ALGOA Organic Foundation Course (OFC)has trained over a hundred local government officialsfrom 16 countries in Asia in the fundamentals of organic farming which was undertaken in South Korea, Japan and Kyrgyzstan in 2016 and 2017. Further courses are planned for South Korea, Indonesia and Bangladesh.The 1sttrainees of the ALGOA OFC have spontaneously regrouped themselves and initiated the IFOAM Asia Organic Youth Forum which carries out forums and training to spread the organic movement. The Youth Forum platform will be launched in 2018.
6 - Case studies of food systemsALGOA has documented and disseminated the following case studies:1. Philippines: The municipalities of Dumingag, Kasuwagan and Bislig City2. Japan: Kisarazu City3. Indonesia: “1000 Organic Villages” 4. Kyrgyzstan: Organic aymaks5. India: Timbaktu (co-recipient of the One World Award: recommended by IFOAM Asia)6. South Korea: School Meal Support Centers, Hansalim (co-recipientof the One World Award: recommended by IFOAM Asia)Further documentation will be undertaken on other local organic food systems linking with CSA and PGS as well as other social justice initiatives with like-minded organizations like Greenpeace (Food Sovereignty Program), RARE, etc.
7 - Workshops/roundtablesThe ALGOA Summit since 2015 has been bringing together more than fifty political leaders from 16 Asian countries annually to share their unique experiences in organic farming and learn of the major issues of the day in the global organic movements.Other ALGOA in-country forums explorespecific domestic issues and what common actions can be taken collectively.